Outbound Link Checker
Check Internal and External Links
Most people are aware, the more outbound links on a webpage the more the PageRank or authority is diluted between those links and not only that, the less likely real users are to click on your link with thousands of others on the page. The ScrapeBox OutBound Link Checker addon allows you to load a list of URL’s, and then quickly scan them to determine the amount of outbound and internal links the page has. The addon is multi-threaded which enables you to check hundreds, or thousands of URL’s per minute.
Once your URL list is scanned, you can sort the list in order of highest or lowest outbound links, or internal links. You can also filter the list and remove URL’s with higher than XXX outbound links, then export the results to a .txt file, an .xlsx or .csv format for use in Excel.
This addon is great for selecting the most worthwhile places to obtain links, checking to ensure your link parters don’t have too many other links on their pages or also for scanning your own site when doing an SEO audit to ensure you are not linking out to too many other sites on each page.
This addon is included free for owners of ScrapeBox.
OutBound Link Checker Tutorial
View our video tutorial showing the OutBound Link Checker in action. This is a free addon included with ScrapeBox, and is also compatible with our Automator Plugin.
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